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Wordpad Notes in English PDF Download

Microsoft WordPad is a rich text editor that Microsoft first incorporated into Microsoft Windows 95 and is available in all subsequent versions.

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Although WordPad is capable of much more than Microsoft's Notepad, it is not as advanced as Microsoft Word. However, it provides you with many additional features, such as the ability to edit images and the format of text.
The picture below shows an example of Microsoft WordPad

Similar to other word processing applications, WordPad includes programs and word processing engines. This program has Title Bar, Menu Bar, Toolbar, Status Bar, Format Bar, Document Ruler and Selection Bar.
The .RTF extension is used by both WordPad and Microsoft Word. With each release, Microsoft has added more file formats such as .txt, .doc and .odt to WordPad.
WordPad is preferred over notepad for making documents when it comes to formatting. It can handle both formatted and simple text. Its features are simple as compared to Microsoft Word and can be considered as an excellent editor and mini viewer for Word document.
It is capable of font, character level formatting, margins, and modifications. In this, you can insert sound files, charts and graphics in the document. Hypertext links can also be added and a zoom in and zoom out feature is also available.
However, WordPad is not considered a full-featured word processor. It does not have intermediate features like spell check or grammar check unlike Microsoft Word. WordPad is not recommended for documents that have many structured elements. It is also not recommended for configuration files or HTML editing. It is slower to load than notepad but has more speed than other word processors of office suites.

Extension of WordPad in Hindi

Wordpad uses the .rtf or Rich Text Format file extension to save files by default. But it can also save documents in .docx (Office Open XML), .ODT (Open Document), .txt (Text) formats.

Open Microsoft WordPad

There are different ways to open WordPad in each Windows version. 
In windows 10 -
Click on the Start menu.
Type in WordPad and press Enter.

Windows 8 -
On the Start screen, type WordPad.
In the search result, click on the WordPad program.

In Windows 7 and earlier -
Click on the Start menu.
Click on the Run option.
Type in WordPad and then press Enter.

Create A New File

To create a new file in WordPad -
Click on the File menu and then click on New.

Open A File

To open a previously saved file in WordPad -
Click the File menu, and then click Open.

Go to the location where you saved this file.
Select the file, then click on the Open button.

Save A File

Click the File menu, and then click Save.

Go to the location where you want to save this file.
Type the name of this file and then click on the Save button.

Page Setup

This is where you can choose Page Size, Portrait or Landscape, Margins (Top, Bottom, Side), and Print Page Number.
Click Page Setup in the File menu.

Now a dialog box of Page Setup will open.
You can select the paper size from the Size drop down.
Apart from this you can set the page margin from here. Type the margins of left, right, top and bottom that you want.


There are five groups in Home Tab: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Insert and Editing.

1) Clipboard Group

There are three options available in this group: Cut, Copy, Paste.

i) Cut:
With this option you can cut and paste selected text from one place to another. (Other options are: CTRL + X or right mouse click, Cut).
ii) Copy:
To copy the highlighted text and paste it elsewhere. (Other options are: CTRL + C or right mouse click, Copy).
iii) Paste:
You can either cut or copy the selected text and paste it elsewhere. (Other options are CTRL + V or right mouse click, Paste)
Below the Paste function, there is an arrow below, in which Paste and Paste Special are two options. The Paste Special option also includes ALT + CTRL + V. Paste Special is used to paste text you copy with text, picture, etc. with a link to the Internet.

2) Font Group:

From font group you can apply selected font to many font style, such as -

Font style:
The default font is Calibri. Click on the arrow below for other font styles.
Font size:
The default font size is 12. Click on the arrow below for other font sizes.
Capital A and Small A:
Capital A will increase the font size of the selected text, smaller A will reduce the font size of the selected text.
Selected text will be bold. (Another option is CTRL + B)
The selected text will be italic (another option is CTRL + I).
Selected text will be underlined (another option is CTRL + U).
abc (strikethrough):
A line will be drawn from the middle of the text, which will indicate that the text has been deleted.
X2 (Subscript):
The selected text will be given a subscript effect. (Another option is CTRL + =)
X2 (Superscript):
The selected text will be given the Superscript effect. (Another option CTRL + Shift +)
To change the color of the selected text. By clicking on the down arrow, you can select a color for the text.
Pencil (Text Highlighter):
You can use this highlighter to highlight selected text. You can choose from 12 different colors by clicking the down arrow.

3) Paragraph Group

With this Paragraph group, you can format your Paragraph as follows-

Decrease Indent:
With this option, you can move bulleted or numbered text to the left of the page.
Increase Indent:
With this option, you can move bulleted or numbered text to the right of the page.
Start a List:
You can give the number or bullet for your list from here.
Line Spacing:
Use this option to set line space and indent.
Left Align (CTRL + L):
To start selected text from left
Center Align:
To bring the selected text to the center. (Another option is CTRL + E)
Right Align:
To align selected text to the right (another option is CTRL + R).
The selected text is justified, meaning both left and right are aligned. (Another option is CTRL + J)

4) Insert Group

With the Insert group, you can add the following objects to your WordPad document:

This is an option to insert an image into your WordPad document. After clicking on the Insert Picture button, select the path of your image and then click on the Open button below.
Paint Drawing:
You can insert the paint file you created in Microsoft Paint here. (Other options are CTRL + D) To change the size of an image, click on it and then click and drag on the square of the corner.
Date and Time:
From here you can insert current date / time in your WordPat document where the cursor is.
Insert object:
You can insert objects like graphs, text from other Microsoft packages from here.

5) Editing Group

The following options are available in this group -

You can use this function to help quickly find a word in a document. (Another option is CTRL + F)
Using this function, you can replace a word with another word in your document. (Another option is CTRL + H or Special Function Keys F5)
Select All:
This function selects all the text in the document. (Other options are CTRL + A)


The View tab has three groups: Zoom, Show or Hide, and Settings:

1) Zoom:
Zoom in: You can enlarge your WordPad document by zooming in.
Zoom out: You can view your WordPad document by zooming out and shrinking.
100%: Click the 100% button to view the WordPad document in normal size.

2) Show or Hide:

With this group you can hide or unhide Ruler and Status bar. By default, the check boxes for Ruler and Status bar are selected, meaning you are visible. On unchecking these check boxes, they will get hidden.
Home Menu :- Alt + H
View Menu :- Alt + V
Formatting Text
Ctrl + B Format the selection with Bold.
Ctrl + I Format the selection with Italics.
Ctrl + U Underscore (underlines) the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + D Double-underscore (underline) the selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + W Underscore (underline) only words (not spaces) of the selected text.
Ctrl + = Change the selected text to Subscript.
Ctrl + Shift + = Change the selected text to Superscript.
Ctrl + D or Ctrl + Shift + F select the text first, then press Ctrl + D to open the Font window
Ctrl + Shift + A Change the selected text to all CAPS. If text is already capitalized, will change to no CAPS.
Ctrl + Shift + K Change the selected text to small CAPS. If shortcut pressed again, will change to no CAPS.
Working With Text
Ctrl + C Copy the selection to the Clipboard.
Ctrl + V Paste the selection from the Clipboard.
Ctrl + X Cut the selection.
Ctrl + Z or Alt + Backspace Undo the last action. Can be pressed multiple times to undo multiple actions.
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action.
Ctrl + A Select all text in the document.
Ctrl + E Center the text in the paragraph that the cursor is in, or center the selected text.
Ctrl + L Left align the text in the paragraph that the cursor is in, or left align the text in the selected text.
Ctrl + R Right align the text in the paragraph that the cursor is in, or right align the text in the selected text.
Ctrl + J Justify the text in the paragraph that the cursor is in, or justifies the text in the selected text.
Ctrl + M Indent the text. If no tabs are set, default indent is .5 inches. Press Ctrl + M repeatedly to indent repeately.
Ctrl + Shift + M De-indent the text. Press Ctrl + Shift + M repeatedly to de-indent
Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink – a link to a webpage.
Alt + Shift + D Enter the current date from your computer.
Alt + Shift + T Enter the current time from your computer.
Working With a Document
Ctrl + Home Move to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + End Move to the end of the document.
Ctrl + F Display the Find window.
Ctrl + H Open the Replace window.
Ctrl + Enter Insert a Page Break where the cursor is.
Ctrl + S Save the document. Get into the habit of pressing this key sequence often so you won’t accidentally lose your work.
Ctrl + P Open the Print window.
Ctrl + W or Alt + F4 Close the document. Only Alt + F4 works in Microsoft WordPad.
Ctrl + O Open an existing document.
Ctrl + N Open a new document

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