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(PDF) Microsoft Excel 2010 Full Notes in English with Explanation :- Infinity4Education


1. Window manipulation buttons - minimize, maximize and close window 2. Title bar - contains document's name, extension (.xlsx) and the program name
3.   Tabs:
        File                 Page layout                Review
        Home              Formulas                   View
        Insert              Data
4.   Toolbar
        some tools have hidden tools. If they do, they have an arrow in their lower right corner which, when clicked, displays additional options
        tools that cannot be applied to a selected object are greyed out:
5.   Selected cells – before we can enter a text, number, “Sparkline” (chart contained within one cell) or other data, we must first select a cell or cells
6.   Column titles (letters)
7.   Row titles (numbers)
8.   Sheets – can be renamed
9.   Scroll bars for horizontal and vertical navigation (sliders)
10.Status bar - displays information about some special functions of Microsoft Excel 
11.Formula Bar – for cell contents including formulas or text

Spreadsheet or Workbook: a Microsoft Excel file which contains any number of worksheets (3 by default)
Worksheet: consists of a large number of cells arranged in columns and rows that form a table
Cell: basic element in Excel for data entry (text, number, formula)
        cell address:  column letter and row number on a worksheet, e.g. A1, C7, F25

Selecting cells - press the left mouse button on a cell in order to select it.
Enter data – data can be added cells and existing content can also be edited.
        Add content to cell – single-click with the left mouse button on a cell and enter any extra data.
        Change the existing content – single click on the selected cell and then click on the formula bar to make changes to the data. Alternatively, press F2 after selecting the cell to move the cursor into the formula bar

By default numbers align to the right side and the text aligns to the left side of the cell. However this can be customised using the Alignment tools in the toolbar.

If entered content exceeds cell width, it will be displayed over adjacent cells, provided that the adjacent cells have no data entered. However this can also be customised using the Wrap Text option in the Alignment toolbar (see picture above).

To move to another cell: you can use the TAB key to move to the right, the ENTER key to move down, the keys with arrow on the keyboard, or the left mouse button.

To select a range of cells:
        select the first cell in a range, press and hold the left mouse button, move the mouse to the last cell and release the left button, or
        select the first cell in a range, press and hold the Shift key, select the last cell in the range and release the Shift key

Select a row or column: press the mouse button on the row number or column letter.
Select several adjacent rows: press the left mouse button on the row number, press and hold the left mouse button, move the mouse to the last row and release the left button (or use the Shift key, while it is pressed, select the first then the last row and then release the Shift key).

Select several non-adjacent cells, rows and columns: press the left mouse button on the row number in order to select it, press and hold the Ctrl key, select other rows and then release the Ctrl key.

Rename worksheet:
        while we are positioned in the worksheet, we want to rename: press the Format button on the Home ribbon, choose the Rename Sheet option, enter a new name and press the Enter key, or
        press the right mouse button on the tab of the worksheet and from the quick menu choose the Rename option, or
        double click on the tab of the worksheet and type the new worksheet name.

Copying and moving worksheets within or between spreadsheets (spreadsheets must be open):
1.     press the right mouse button on the worksheets sheet tab and choose the Move or Copy sheet option
2.     within the dialog box that appears, choose the workbook you want to move the sheet to, and the sheet before which it will be placed
If you want to copy the sheet, mark the checkbox next to the Create a Copy option, otherwise the worksheet will be moved.
Deleting cell content – select one or more cells (with the Shift key if they are adjacent, or with the Ctrl key if they are not), and press the Delete key or Delete button on the Home ribbon.
 Always select the cells first and then the desired tool. Arrow in the lower right corner will provide you with additional options
 Undo change and redo change
              Undo                                              Redo  
Pressing the arrow next to the tool opens a drop-down list of all the changes that we have made.

File menu

Tool Save         (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S)
        Save in - choose the location where the file will saved
        File name - type in the file name 
        Save as type – choose the file type - format in which file will be saved  

Creating a new workbook: press the Office button, choose the New option, then Blank workbook, and then press the Create button (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N)
Creating a new file can be facilitated by using a template – extension .xltx
Creating a new spreadsheet using template: after choosing the New option, select the Sample Templates option
Open an existing file  - to open several files at once, use the Ctrl key or the Shift key to select them
        Printer – choose printer
        Copies – number of copies to be printed
        Range o Print active sheets         o Print entire workbook             o Print selection
        Orientation o Portrait - vertical paper o Landscape- horizontal paper
        Margins:           - Normal           - Narrow           - Wide
o   No scaling        o Fit all columns to one page o Fit sheet to one page                    o Fit all rows to one page
        Collated – will print the entire worksheet from start to finish, then will make copies according to  the selected number of copies;
Uncollated - will print the first page according to the selected number of copies, then the second page, etc.
        Page setup  o Page – on the drop-down menu, choose paper size o Margins –manually set the margins
o   Header / Footer – enter header / footer information within the fields
o   Sheets – select a cell range that will automatically print and rows that will repeat on each page of the worksheet
Share – there are new features that make it easy to share documents:
        Change File Type – save the file in another file type - format
        Create PDF/XPS Document – save the file in a fixed format, cannot be easily changed
        on the General tab,  you can enter a username
        on the Save tab > there are fields to enter “AutoRecover file location” and “Default file location”

Home tab

Font: (drop-down menu) Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, Calibri etc.
Font Size: (drop-down menu)                
Text formatting 
            Bold                            Italic                       Underline
-  Ctrl + B     - Ctrl + I           - Ctrl + U à keyboard shortcuts
Font Color  - choose Font color (drop-down menu)

Text alignment: - horizontal alignment: - top, middle or the bottom of the cell
-  vertical alignment  -Align Left, Center, Align Right, Justify

Merge and center – tool to merge the selected cell range and center the content
 Orientation – tool for setting the direction of the content in a cell
 Wrap Text – wraps text within cells width in order to make it visible contain the text within the cell and ensure visibility when next cell (horizontally) is not empty.
 Number Format – set the number format in which numbers will be displayed
Increase / decrease number of decimal places displayed
 Conditional Formatting – tool for automatically setting the format of a cell based on the inputted conditions. The formatting and conditions can be customized.

Insert – tool for inserting cells, columns, rows, worksheets
Delete – tool for deleting cell content and/or cell formatting; deleting columns, rows, worksheets
                  Format – tool for formatting selected cells, columns, rows, worksheets
                  Protect sheet – enter a password and protect the entire or a part of a sheet (cell range)
                  Rename Sheet - enter a name and press the Enter key
                  Lock cell – functional only if we protect the worksheet first Enter function:
1.      select a cell range 
2.      enter a function via menu shown on the right 
Or:       1. select the cell in which you want to enter function value 
2.  enter the symbol „=“
3.  enter the function manually (e.g. „sum“), and the cell range to which the function will apply, respecting syntax

Most often used functions:

=SUM(cell range) 
à adding the numbers in selected cells
=AVERAGE(cell range)
à finds the average value
=MIN(cell range) 
à finds the smallest value
=MAX(cell range) 
à finds the biggest value

Deleting options:
        Clear All 
        Clear Contents
        Clear Formats

Sort A to Z - sort data within a table from minimum to maximum value, or
Sort Z to A – sort data within a table from maximum to minimum values

       Find: enter a word or phrase and press the Find button 
      Replace:           - Find What – field to enter the word we are searching for;
- Replace With - field to enter the word that we want to use as a replacement

Format Painter  - copy formatting from one part of the text to another 
Help in MS Excel  , or F1 on the keyboard

Insert tab

automatically defines its size and position.
Arrange – sets elements in front of (option Bring forward) or behind (option Send to back) other elements. - opens color palette
                    - opens color palette and options for choosing type and thickness of lines        - effects: 3D, shadow, reflection, rotation etc.

        to select a picture: press the left mouse button on it, the picture will get squares on the border called control points which allows the size of the image to be manipulated.
        set object size:
o manually: select an object, move some of the control points using the drag-and-drop method o enter values: press the right mouse button on the object and choose the Format Picture option; on the Size tab, enter values for height and width

While the object is selected, we can open the Format tab, that contains some new formatting options
-  Corrections - tool for contrast, brightness, sharpness correction                    
-  Color - change color of the images in order to better match the rest of the content
-  Artistic effects - tools that can make an image  appear as if it was a drawing or painting

-  tool for inserting a text box; after selecting this tool, we can set the position and the size of the text box in the worksheet via the drag-and-drop method

Header and Footer - edit: press the left mouse button within the header or footer field, or: press the right mouse button and from the quick menu, choose the Edit Text option

-  insert date and time
-  insert page number
Insert symbol        £   ©    J    "  H  Y  ^    ¯  ü  etc.

Charts are graphical representations of table data in various forms, like column graph. Tabular data and graph are connected - therefore changes in the table are reflected in the chart
        when we insert a chart, a table for data entry opens in Microsoft Excel and we can enter data. Also, if we select a cell range filled with data, the chart will be automatically filled with the selected data.
        to change chart size: select a chart and move (drag-and-drop) the control points to the desired direction
        changes in the chart can be done via the Chart Tools toolbar, that appears when the chart is selected; via the quick menu or by double-click with the left mouse button on the chart o Format Chart Area – effects like color fill, 3D, rotation, shadow etc. are accessible o Change Chart Type – choose chart type 
        move the chart: within the Chart Tools toolbar, select the Design and choose tool Move chart:
> New sheet (and there is a field to enter the worksheet's name), or
> Object in > on the drop-down menu, choose the worksheet in which you want to place the chart

        fields can be moved in order to edit its structure: press the left mouse button on the fields border, via the drag-and-drop method, move it to the desired position
        add new field: press the right mouse button over the field, upon which you want to add a new field and choose the Add Shape option on the quick menu, then choose where to add it “below” or “above” (hierarchal)  
        deleting: select a field and press the Delete button

        chart within one cell; 
        needs to have a defined position (cell address that contains it) and data cell range (data to display) 

Tab name: Page Layout

The Page Layout settings change the look of the Excel file when it is printed. 
Margins:           - Normal           - Narrow          - Wide
Orientation: Portrait (vertical) and Landscape (horizontal)  
Scale: tool for fitting data for print to a paper
Breaks – it is recommended that user sets the breaks manually: 
                  Insert Page Break
                  Remove Page Break
Tools for organizing content:  - Bring Forward
-  Send Backward

Review tab

-  opens a dialog box with options: Ignore once, Ignore all, Change, Change all
                  the word that is not in the dictionary can be added: press the right mouse button over it and choose the Add to dictionary option  
View tab

Normal - for creating a worksheet
Page Layout – for print preview of the data set for printing, header and footer
     Zoom – choose offered or enter value
Freeze and unfreeze rows and columns in order to always be visible. This is useful when the data in the worksheet does not fit on the computer screen but the user needs to see the row and column labels:
                  freezing columns and rows: select a cell within the sheet and choose the Freeze Panes button.
Columns to the left and rows above will be “frozen” meaning that as the user scrolls left and right in the worksheet, the frozen cells always remain visible.
                  freezing top row: choose the Freeze Panes button and choose  freeze top row
                  freezing first column: choose the Freeze Panes button and choose freeze first column


Formula uses numerical data found in the chosen cell range (the value entered in a cell range)

Enter the formula:
1.     select the cell where you want to enter a formula
2.     enter the sign „=“
3.     enter numeric values or cell addresses  and arithmetic operator
4.     press the Enter key to complete

Basic arithmetic operators:

= A1 + A2
= A3 * C5
= C5/C3
= F15^ A2
Microsoft Excel follows the mathematical order of calculation operations.
Formula can be seen in the formula bar when the cell, that contains it, is selected or if we position the cursor with a double click in the cell, that contains the formula (that way it will be visible in the cell and edited too). The formula result will be displayed in the cell that contains the formula and where the cursor is not positioned.

Relative cell referencing (e.g. C5)

       when the formula is copied with  AutoFill and it has relative cell references, cell references are going to adapt, for example:
If we use Auto fill to copy the following formula: =C5+B5, it will change to: =C6+B6, =C7+B7 etc.

Absolute cell referencing (e.g. $C$5)

If the cell is referenced absolutely in a formula, then applying the Auto fill tool will result in: =$C$5+B5, =$C$5+B6, =$C$5+B7 etc.

You can change the selected cell reference from relative to absolute and vice versa by using the F4 key

Logical function if 

= logical function that compares cell values with some expression or value. We define the appropriate action depending on the result

        IF(logical _condition;value_if_true;value_if_false)
        logical function checks if the condition is met, and returns true or false
        logical operators:
                 greater than                  >                      less than                       <                 equal    =
                 greater than or equal     >=                    less than or equal          <=                

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