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20 Best If Else Questions Assignment with_PDF :- If Else Questions

If Else Programming Questions

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Q-1. Write a C Program to Count Total Number of Notes in Given Amount ?
Q-2. Write a C Program to Input Month Number and Print Number of Days in that Month ?
Q-3. Write a C Program to Input Angles of Triangle and Check Whether Triangle is Valid or Not ?
Q-4. Write a C Program to Input all Sides of Triangle and Check Whether Triangle is Valid or Not ?
Q-5. Write a C program to Check Whether a Triangle is Equilateral, Isosceles and Scalene Triangle ?
Q-6. Write a C Program to Find all Roots of a Quadratic Equation ?
Q-7. Write a C Program to Calculate Profit or Loss ?
Q-8. Write a C Program to Find Maximum b/w Two Numbers ?
Q-9. Write a C Program to Find Maximum b/w Three Numbers ?
 Q-10. Write a C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive, Negative or Zero ?
Q-11. Write a C Program to Check Whether a Number is Divisible by 5 and 11 or Not ?
Q-12. Write a C program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd ?
Q-13. Write a C program to Check Whether a Year is Le       ap Year or Not ?
Q-14. Write a C program to Check Whether a Character is Alphabet or Not ?
Q-15. Write a C program to Input any Alphabet and Check Whether It is Vowel or Consonant ?
Q-16. Write a C program to Input any Character and Check Whether It is Alphabet, Digit or Special Character ?
Q-17. Write a C program to Check Whether a Character is Uppercase or Lowercase Alphabet?
Q-18. Write a C Program to Input Week Number and Print Week Day ?
Q-19. Write a C Program to Input Month Number and Print Number of Days in that Month ?
Q-20. Write a C Program to Input Marks of Five Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and English.
            Percentage >=90%  : Grade A
            Percentage >=80%  : Grade B
            Percentage >=70%  : Grade C
            Percentage >=60%  : Grade D
            Percentage >=40% : Grade E
            Percentage <40%  : Grade F
Find Percentage and Grade ?

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